
Stay at Work - Save Money and Keep Valued Employees

Did you know that bringing an injured worker back on modified/light duty, you can:
  • Save you money, shorten the life of the claim, and help get your injured worker back to gainful employment sooner in most cases.
  • Help lower or sustain your workers’ comp premiums.
  • Get reimbursed 50% of the wages you pay the worker while they perform modified/light duty work, up to $10,000.
  • Receive reimbursement up to $2,500 for equipment purchased for the modified/light Duty job that you get to keep.
  • Receive reimbursement up to $1,000 for education materials for your modified/light duty worker and $400 for special clothing.
  • Receive a total of $13,900 in reimbursements for each worker’ comp claim.
Stay at Work (SAW) is one of L&I's financial incentive programs. They reimburse employers for some of their costs when they provide temporary, light-duty jobs for workers while they heal. Offering your employee light duty work could help you avoid a compensable claim and unnecessary work disability.
Some Facts About This Program:
  • All employers pay into the SAW program.
  • Using the reimbursements does not affect your company's workers' comp rates.
  • The reimbursements are per claim and can be used over again.
  • Employers apply to L&I for reimbursement.
  • Your ROII claim representative can help guide you through the paperwork process.
  • Your ROII claim representative can help you determine what is eligible for reimbursement through the program before you purchase equipment.
Learn more about the program here: Stay at Work Employer Brochure

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