As winter fades and spring takes over, safety concerns shift from icy walkways to unpredictable terrain, wet surfaces, and job site hazards. Slips, trips, and falls remain among the top causes of workplace injuries, leading to costly claims and lost productivity. As an employer, prioritizing proactive safety measures helps protect your most valuable asset—your employees.
Ladder-related injuries are one of the most common incidents on construction sites. Falls from ladders often result in serious injuries, leading to lost work time, medical expenses, and, in worst-case scenarios, life-altering consequences. One simple and effective way to enhance ladder safety is by using a ladder stabilizer.
When it comes to construction sites, safety isn't just a rule—it's a culture. Every tool, piece of equipment, and precaution plays a role in keeping workers and visitors safe. One often overlooked aspect of safety is how to prepare for unexpected guests or new hires who may not have the right footwear.