
ROII Has Record Refunds

The numbers are in! The Department of Labor & Industries reported record refunds for ROII participants over the last three plan years. Here’s how they did:

1st adjustment for the 2020-21 plan year: 45%   
2nd adjustment for the 2019-20 plan year: 42%   
Final adjustment for the 2018-19 plan year: 41%

Record Refunds

These numbers are truly historic. Never in the history of the ROII program has ROII achieved over 40% refunds in all three plan years.

As our ROII Director, Jenn Kavanaugh likes to say, “It’s how you finish!”

While a 41% final refund for the 2018-19 plan year was not record-breaking on its own, it was up almost 7 percentage points from the 1st adjustment for that plan year. Pretty amazing. ROII consistently delivers better L&I refunds as a reward for businesses like yours. You do not see that type of performance in other retro programs.

Now ROII will begin calculating participant refunds. Check amounts should be available by mid-May. Keep an eye out for check distribution events at your local home builders association!

A big congratulations to ROII participants, and thank you for your hard work and commitment to safety!!

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