
Get Started Today!

Fill out the inquiry form below to see if you qualify for ROII

Signing this release allows the Building Industry Association of Washington (BIAW) to contact anyone at the above-listed company via mail, email, and phone for any BIAW-related matters.

I authorize L&I to provide my company’s premium, claims history, experience modification factor, and related industrial data, including all sub-accounts tied to the policy, whether inactive or active, to BIAW, along with access to L&I's online Claim & Account Center.

Your signature below verifies this authorization. Please sign the box using your mouse, finger, or stylus.

What is ROII?

ROII is Washington State’s largest, longest-operating Retro (Retrospective Rating) safety incentive program. Our goal is to eliminate injuries through improvements in workplace safety and preventative strategies. If an employee is injured, we'll help you help them get better quicker with a successful return-to-work experience.

Businesses that participate and share our goal can earn an average refund of 39%. Only ROII has returned over $500 million in refunds to participating companies since 1982. With field reps across the state, we understand how things work -- right where you work. Large or small, we have your back.


Claim Assistance

Our seasoned claim reps go straight to L&I on your behalf to get claims closed quicker. Rest assured, we'll keep a pulse on your claim every step of the way.

Safety and Prevention

The best injury claim is the one that never happens. Because prevention is our top priority, we're here to help you develop and implement effective safety strategies.

Risk Management

Our job is to identify risk and assist you with implementing preventative measures to avoid claims from happening. If a claim does occur, we offer strategies to help control severity and cost of the injury.


Our goal is to keep an injured worker engaged in the recovery process and connected with their employer to help ensure better outcomes. Each claim is unique, as is our customized return-to-work strategy approach.

What Participants Are Saying

Save an average of 39% on worker's comp

ROII consistently delivers better L&I refunds. In fact, ROII has returned more than $500 million in refunds to participating members since 1982.

To view historical refunds on all construction retro groups, visit: https://bit.ly/4aaNm8u

Each year, Labor and Industries (L&I) performs a total of three adjustments to determine a group's refund. Refunds can fluctuate from one adjustment to the next. It's not until L&I performs the final adjustment that a group knows their refund result - making it a completed plan year. We don't try to estimate company refunds on plan years that are not complete because that's ultimately what your refund is based upon.

Calculate Your ROII Refund

Complete the information below to see what you could have earned in refunds.

ROII Group Refund: 47.05%
Refund Range: 17.61% - 47.69%